Worse things than coming back from holiday to find your car has been burnt out

Source: Stanstead Airport Fire: Sunseekers' Cars Gutted

  • Realising that you had left your dog in the car
  • Going through customs and finding out the cuddly toy that holiday romance had given you is full of heroin and having a full cavity search carried out to make sure that you are not smuggling anything else.
  • Forgetting to take your son with you and returning home to find that he has been battling two burglars with a variety of booby traps that have trashed your home.
  • Forgetting to take your son with you and returning home to find that he has organised a party through Facebook and the guests have trashed your home. And the Daily Mail has published an article about it.
  • Forgetting to take your son with you and returning home to find that he has been battling two burglars with a variety of booby traps that all failed ans they have killed your son as punishment for his moronic behaviour in not just calling the police like any normal person would.


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